Participation rubric

This is a holistic rubric, meaning that it provides overall evaluation guidelines and qualitatively describes what different participation grades look like. The maximum participation grade is 20 points.

Point range Description
16-20 points You are an active and considerate member of class discussions. You offer up new ideas and responses to the readings during every class. You also leave room for others to speak, and respond specifically to your classmates’ contributions. You submit assignments on time. You incorporate my feedback into your final drafts. You consistently meet participation expectations throughout the semester.
11-15 points You contribute new ideas to class discussions during most classes. Your contributions do not build on the ideas of your classmates. You submit assignments on time. You do not always incorporate my feedback into your final drafts. You demonstrate growth in response to your participation reflection.
6-10 points You occasionally contribute to class discussions. Your contributions tend to summarize content, rather than bring in new ideas or build on your classmates’ ideas. You communicate with me about missing class but you miss class frequently. Your assignments are not always submitted on time, and you don’t communicate with me about lateness. You do not incorporate feedback into your final drafts.
1-5 points You rarely contribute to class discussions. You miss class without communicating with me ahead of time. Assignments are submitted late without proper communication. You do not complete first drafts of assignments.